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12 juin 2008

Baby Lunch

Baby Lunch
Well Maxime has a few 'baby pimples' which are quite normal we're told...I only hope he doesn't have pimples when he's a teenager like I did ... Maxime is sporting the new collection from Petit Bateau ... Blue and white stripes including big milk stain!...
10 juin 2008

Hot weather arrived ...

Hot weather arrived ...
Whats that octopus doing there? .... aaaaaaah CHOOOOO! ! .... Out and about, coffee at Santa Cruz bakery with newly arrived grandparents.Does Maxime like his new chair finally? ... well just this one time... Max likes the Maxi-cosi especially when driving...
8 juin 2008

The long awaited arrival of the Aussie Grandparents.

The long awaited arrival of the Aussie Grandparents.
Grandparents Marisa and Dioni arrived from Australia today (in an Airbus A380)and we took our usual stroll up to the lighthouse in the afternoon. Marisa was dying to hold Maxime, and Max seemed quite at well as with Grandpa Dioni, Maxime is practicing...
7 juin 2008

... was that a smile??

... was that a smile??
Ah, the dreaded 'chupete' 'dummy' 'pacifier' 'tetine'... Some would call it the miracle cure, others an ugly thing...When you see one of these work after hours of trying to get your child to sleep you realise just what an amazinginvention it is... (and...
6 juin 2008

Whats Maxime up to today?

Whats Maxime up to today?
Well aside from the usual pooing, weeing, eating and sleeping,we went to the city today, Max was sporting his new blue knittedcardigan made by Claire, ... Hi Claire! It was however a little hot to button up today ... Now for all of you Max-addicts out...
6 juin 2008

Maxime weighs in...

Maxime weighs in...
Today Max went for his second session with the Pediatrician,we made bets to see what we thought Max would weigh... Well he now weighs nearly 4 kilos! thats almost500grams gained in 1 week, I calculated thatthat would be like me gaining 7.5kilos in a week!(glad...
4 juin 2008

Benetton Maxime

Benetton Maxime
I think Max is ready for his first United Colours of Benetton TV add ... The many faces of Maxime ... (well some of at least...) Three generations at the Castle of Santa Cruz, and 'Taking a Bath'
2 juin 2008

another windy day

another windy day
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